Kasper Schmeichel

Member Since 2017

Kasper Schmeichel has been a member of Common Goal since 2017 and was one of the first Premier League players to join the movement.

While Kasper will forever be remembered for being part of the Leicester City side that won the Premier league in 2016, he is keen to not be remembered as just a footballer and wants to use his position to help others around the world.

The Danish goalkeeper was not always as enamoured with the game as he is today: “'There was a point in life where I'd had enough of football. I couldn't go anywhere with my Dad (former Manchester United goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel). It was just the circus around football that became too much for me at a young age.”

"Being part of Common Goal is a chance for me to be part of a different team - using our influence on the pitch to try to build something off the pitch."
Kasper Schmeichel

Kasper credits the teamwork as the common thread that has runs through his life in football and helped maintain his love of the game.

It is this ethos of the team that he sees as crucial to the Common Goal movement and has stated that the chance to be a part of a different team and build something bigger off the pitch is key.
