Transforming a sporting complex for Beirut’s youth

adidas and Common Goal team up for an environmental project in Lebanon

In Lebanon, there has been an ongoing economic crisis since 2019 amplified by the Beirut Port explosion. Climate change adds uncertainty as temperatures are rising and provoking unpredictability in extreme weather events. 

Beirut has only 0.5% public spaces, way below the recommended average of 15-20% by UN-Habitat, making both indoor and outdoor activities increasingly inaccessible.  

As a response, GAME will work on a multidisciplinary and environmentally focused project in Beirut, Lebanon, with the support of Move For The Planet.  

This project focuses on refurbishing one of these public spaces to adapt it better to extreme weather challenges ensuring safer access for women, girls, children and vulnerable community members.   

Climate-adapted infrastructure at the GAME HOUSE:   

The project focuses on the refurbishment of the GAME HOUSE Complex, a multi-purpose sporting facility, making it more usable during summer and enhancing accessibility, inclusivity, security and safety. This potentially improves access to open spaces, enhancing quality of life and helping to reduce social tensions in Karantina, benefiting 18,000 children and youth in surrounding areas.  

This space’s adaptation includes the use of recycled materials for green pathways lined with trees and shrubs to provide shade and natural drainage, the installation of sustainable lighting solutions powered by solar panels and LED lights for evening access and improved safety, and the application of heat deflecting paint to keep surfaces cooler and reduce reliance on air conditioning to reduce cancellation risks for sports activities.  

Education on environmental sustainability through sports:   

For a long-lasting change and positive impact beyond the lifespan of the project, the programme will add the climate environment education component to its already existing ‘Playmaker’ curriculum. These ‘Playmakers’ serve as role models in the communities, fostering social change and empowerment.   

There will be weekly football and basketball sessions focusing on all the learnings taught to 50 ‘Playmakers’ on climate change: teamwork, life skills and civil society. Those sessions pursue the goal of providing an integral curriculum including key topics to 2,550 participants.